Thursday, March 25, 2010


It was very tiring today. Why? Because of all the hypo dancing last night! The River Cruise went on for 3 hours and it was crazy! Maybe I should write a catch up on what I did yesterday before I go into the details of the River Cruise. It will be very short so don't worry! Well yesterday, I had an appointment with my orthodontist. I needed his opinion on what I should do with my teeth. You see, on the right side jaw/mouth, I only have half a tooth, thanks to me falling unconscious in the middle of the night last year. Oh and I also got 6 stitches on my chin. MY CHIN! Well back to the point, he said it would be better if I were to put on braces rather than implanting a new tooth. And because I was going to get braces, he had to make a mould for my teeth. When the orthodontist had placed it over my bottom jaw and tried the take it out, it wouldn't budge! So I had this massive metal/plaster thing in my mouth and it made me panic like crazy! SO FREAKED! Luckily, after minutes of struggle, he managed to take it out. Phew.

ANYWAY, after the appointment, went over to Sherlynn's to get ready for the RC! Sherlynn and I were totally freaking out because there wasn't much time. Many little disasters happened along the way but we were eventually ready. Not surprisingly, Sarah was ready ages before us! So was Meagan! Here's a little photo of us finally ready!

And heaps more photos on the cruise!

Heaps and heaps of dancing, this year's RC was so fun! Just loved it. It was so hot inside but when I went outside, it was so refreshing. Oh and did I mention it was Chris' birthday yesterday? Chris if you are reading this,

(even though I said it 30489752083 times already!)

♥ ♥ ♥

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